DuckDuckGo is not just a search engine--it's a community of people that believe in a better search experience. Our community's mission is to provide a better search experience across topics and interests, continents and countries, languages and devices, by working together to make sure every contributor's individual interests/experience can be represented in our search engine. Being a part of the DuckDuckGo community is not limited to being an advocate for the search engine and is, instead, expanded to include promoting fellow community members and their individual as well as shared achievements. Even the most niche searches can have awe-inspiring results. We want that our community and search engine represent the niche interests of each and every community member.
From improving our results with Instant Answers to sharing DuckDuckGo with others, all members of the DuckDuckGo community are driving this mission forward.
We, as a community, will not tolerate any offensive, malicious, spammy, or otherwise inappropriate behavior which degrades the experience of our community in any of its forms, be they on or offline.