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Support DuckDuckGo by disabling ad blockers on our page:

Many DuckDuckGo users opt for ad-blocking software and browser extensions, like Adblock Plus, that prevent our advertisements from displaying. We understand and respect your decision to limit exposure to advertising, which is why DuckDuckGo allows users to disable ads through our Settings menu ((under the General tab > Advertisements).

Because of our belief in a better search experience with less clutter, our ads have always been extremely minimal, unintrusive, and clearly marked as different than the other results (they always have an Ad badge).

Further, our ads should be relevant to your search, as they’re meant to be helpful. If you see a bad ad, let us know!

Support DuckDuckGo by disabling ad blockers on our domains. Here's how for Adblock Plus:


  1. On, locate the AdBlockPlus icon in the address bar at the top right of the browser.
  2. click on the icon and select "Disable on"


  1. On, locate the AdBlockPlus icon in the upper left of the screen beside the URL bar.
  2. Click on the icon and click "Enabled for this site" to turn the option to "Displayed on this Site".


  1. On, locate the ABP icon in the address bar on the top right of the browser.
  2. Click the icon and select "Don't Run on Pages on This Domain".

Internet Explorer

  1. On, right-click in the blank area at the top of the browser
  2. Ensure that the, "Status bar" is checked
  3. Next, find the ABP icon on the bottom of your browser window
  4. Click the ABP icon and select "Disable on"


  1. On, locate the ABP icon in the address bar on the top right of the browser.
  2. Click the icon and ensure that "Displayed on this site" is the selected option. If it is not you can click on "Enabled on this site" to switch AdBlockPlus off for this domain.